Yagmur Derin

Ph.D. Candidate

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Short Bio

Yagmur Derin is PhD student in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Connecticut (Storrs, USA) where she started her PhD at August 2014. Her research interests lie in the area of remote sensing of precipitation and application of remote sensing of precipitation to hydrologic modeling. She is currently working on two projects, multi-regional satellite based precipitation products evaluation over complex terrain and passive microwave rainfall error analysis using high resolution X-band Dual-Polarization observations over complex terrain.

Yagmur completed her MSc at Middle East Technical University (Ankara, Turkey). Her MSc was focusing on multiple satellite based precipitation products where she evaluated, devise an error model and lastly she conducted a diagnostic evaluation of the applicability of these products to physically based integrated hydrologic model. This research was fully funded by European Union FP7 Program.

Areas of Research Interest

My broaden research interests are in the fields of;

  • Hydrometerology, hydrology,
  • Radar and satellite remote sensing, retrieval, validation and application of precipitation and surface properties
  • Radar meteorology and radar hydrology
  • Precipitation process, microphysics and variability
  • Application of remote sensing in hydrology

My long-term goal is to be actively involved with research and teaching in an area associated with my research interests.

Yagmur Derin on ResearchGate

Contact Information
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